Four Ball Windmill

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     The Four Ball Windmill is a four ball variation of the normally three ball Windmill. However, unlike its smaller counterpart, the balls in the Four Ball Windmill never actually switch hands, so the pattern can in fact be seen as an incredibly distorted Fountain. Due to the crossed-arm nature of the trick, the Four Ball Fountain can also be thought of as a variation of the Four Ball Mills Mess, however learning that pattern beforehand is not necessary, though it certainly will help.

    To learn the Four Ball Windmill, start with two balls in each hand. Then, make a fairly high throw from your dominant hand toward the center of your body. Quickly follow that up with an under-the-arm throw from your non-dominant hand in the same direction. At this point the first ball should be coming back down, so you are going to make another throw toward the center of your body from the same position as the first throw, clearing space for you to catch the first ball. You are then going to make a second under-the-arm throw from your non-dominant hand and catch the second ball. Then catch the third and fourth balls with your dominant and non-dominant hands respectively.
    Practice this until you are able to perform all four throws and catches smoothly and consistently. Then, all that's left to run the full Four Ball Windmill is to make another throw from your dominant hand before catching the third ball, along with another under-the-arm throw from your non-dominant hand before catching the fourth ball. Just repeat this cycle of alternating throws and you will be juggling the Four ball Windmill.